Sunday, January 10, 2010

what if...!!

Many of life's failures happen when we give up just before succeeding. Then later we wonder "what if i stayed on it a little longer". what if i didnt quit"... "what if...."
Life is full of what ifs.... a lot of what ifs go unanswered (well, almost...!!) but do we ever sit back and reflect why did you ever allow "what if" in your life?? why didnt we start nd finish everything? why isnt everything the way you wnat it to be?
i did, and guess what.. if not for these what ifs i would have never Re-tried... and everytime i re-try, i do something different... everytime i think "what if...this wasnt how it is", i discover something new... i realized questions are so important in life.
If not for these questions, if not for the incomplete things in life, i would have never learned anything new.
"What if i didnt do an MBA", made me think of so many things i would have done, because of which i know how many possible things am yet to try, yet to do, yet to learn.
"what if". if taken rightly will take you places and if not, you will always crib about your past...!!

